O'ninchi kun. finish day

 Day 10 


Adolat Aliyeva 

Today was our final practice lesson. It was very increadible day for me, because l had never seen this type of beautiful monuments even if l lived in Bukhara. 

Today we went to the third TOQ that is Toqi Zargaron.

Passing through Po-i Kalyan, the former trade highway leads us to an ancient crossroads of the main highways of medieval Shahristan where the traditional four bazaars (Chakhar suk) met and joined in a domed structure that was named Chorsu after the crossroads. 

According to Khafizi Tanysh, a 16th century chronicler, in 1569-70 the largest of all existing arcades in Bukhara - Taq-i Zargaron, the cupola of jewelers, was built on the site of ancient Chorsu Bukhara, that was a magnificent building in its way.

Domed crossroad markets were popularly called "Taks" (arch) reffering to their characteristic vaulted shell structures. The pivotal role of "tak"s in sustaining Bukhara's eminence among Skill Rlad cities was reflected in their centrel location within the city. Organized in clusters by commodity or trade, crossroad markets grouped with caravanserais, warehouse and baths served as integrated institutional complexes, often governed by tradesman or craftsman gulids


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