Toqqizinchi kun

 December 08.2022

Day 9 

Adolat Aliyeva 


Toqi Telpak Furushon (in some sources – Taqi Telpakfurushon) is one of the preserved traditional indoor bazaars of Bukhara. It was built in 1570-1571 under Abdullah Khan II, one of the rulers of the Shaibanid dynasty. It was the Shaibanids who began to make Bukhara an important commercial centre, situated at the crossroads of many caravan routes. The symbol for the achievement of this goal were the trade domes that gathered traders from different parts of the world under their roofs.

Toqi Telpak Furushon is located about 300 meters south of Toqi Zargaron, at a point where five streets meet. About 10 meters to the west and south is the Magok-i-Kurpa Mosque.

Once, there was a "caravan-sarai Kulyuta" near the Furuschon dome. It served as a recreational house on the shopping area for travelers and guests. Currently, there is a blacksmith's museum on the site of the caravan-sarai, where skillful smiths forge various knives, swords and sabers, which become excellent national souvenirs. 


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