Yettinchi kun

 7th day

December 06.2022

Hi everyone. Today was our seventh practice day😁. The weather was quite good than other days. Today we decided to go to the Dungeon which is located at the back of the Ark. We met at 11 behind the Ark.

The Lab-i Hauz survived because it is the centerpiece of a magnificent architectural ensemble, created during the 16th and 17th centuries, which has not been significantly changed since. The Lab-i Hauz ensemble, surrounding the pool on three sides, consists of the Kukeldash Madrasah (1568–1569, the largest madrasa in the city), on the north side of the pool, and two religious edifices built by Nadir Divan-Beghi.

Although very impressive from the outside the inside is definitely worth visiting if only to see the infamous "Bug Pit" dungeon where the two British "Great Game" spies (Captain Connolly and Colonel Stoddart) were held for 3 years by Nasrullah the brutal Emir of Bokhara. Both were subsequently beheaded in the square in front of the Ark (after being forced to dig their own graves!!).


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