
 Day 14

Abdulaziz Khan Madrasah

First all assalomy aleykum my friends. I am Adolat and we start. Today is fourteenth day of our prictice. The weather is hot and pleasent🥵😁. We met at 10 oclock in this madrasah then teacher checked diaries.

The Abdulaziz Khan Madrasah is a historic Islamic school located in Bukhara, Uzbekistan. It was built in the mid-17th century during the reign of Abdulaziz Khan, a prominent ruler of the Uzbek Khanate.

The madrasah features a large courtyard surrounded by classrooms and living quarters for students. The exterior of the building is decorated with intricate tile work and calligraphy, while the interior features beautiful frescoes and intricate wood carvings.

The Abdulaziz Khan Madrasah was known for its high standard of education and attracted many students from around the Islamic world. It was also an important center for Islamic scholarship and played a key role in the development of Islamic thought and culture.

Today, the Abdulaziz Khan Madrasah is a popular tourist attraction and an important site for the study of Islamic history and culture in Uzbekistan.


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