
 Hello everyone. Today our sixth prictice day to Ismail Samoni.

This building is very beautiful . The weather is very sunny and hot😌🥵🥵.

Ismail Samani (also spelled Ismoil Somoni) was the founder of the Samanid dynasty, which ruled parts of Central Asia from the 9th to the 10th century. He was born in the late 8th century in what is now Uzbekistan and came to power in 892 as the ruler of the city of Bukhara.

Under Ismail Samani's leadership, the Samanid Empire became a major center of Islamic culture and learning. The dynasty patronized the arts and sciences, and Bukhara became a major center of scholarship and education.

Ismail Samani is also known for his military campaigns, which expanded the boundaries of the Samanid Empire and helped to establish it as a major regional power. His reign is considered a golden age in Central Asian history, and his legacy is still celebrated today.

In modern-day Tajikistan, the highest mountain peak in the country (and the entire former Soviet Union) is named after Ismail Samani, as is the country's currency, the somoni.


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