
Сообщения за январь, 2023

O'ninchi kun. finish day

 Day 10  TOQI ZARGARON  Adolat Aliyeva  Today was our final practice lesson. It was very increadible day for me, because l had never seen this type of beautiful monuments even if l lived in Bukhara.  Today we went to the third TOQ that is Toqi Zargaron. Passing through Po-i Kalyan, the former trade highway leads us to an ancient crossroads of the main highways of medieval Shahristan where the traditional four bazaars (Chakhar suk) met and joined in a domed structure that was named Chorsu after the crossroads.  According to Khafizi Tanysh, a 16th century chronicler, in 1569-70 the largest of all existing arcades in Bukhara - Taq-i Zargaron, the cupola of jewelers, was built on the site of ancient Chorsu Bukhara, that was a magnificent building in its way. Domed crossroad markets were popularly called "Taks" (arch) reffering to their characteristic vaulted shell structures. The pivotal role of "tak"s in sustaining Bukhara's eminence among Skill Rlad cities was re

Toqqizinchi kun

 December 08.2022 Day 9  Adolat Aliyeva  TOQI TELPAKFURUSHON Toqi Telpak Furushon (in some sources – Taqi Telpakfurushon) is one of the preserved traditional indoor bazaars of Bukhara. It was built in 1570-1571 under Abdullah Khan II, one of the rulers of the Shaibanid dynasty. It was the Shaibanids who began to make Bukhara an important commercial centre, situated at the crossroads of many caravan routes. The symbol for the achievement of this goal were the trade domes that gathered traders from different parts of the world under their roofs. Toqi Telpak Furushon is located about 300 meters south of Toqi Zargaron, at a point where five streets meet. About 10 meters to the west and south is the Magok-i-Kurpa Mosque. Once, there was a "caravan-sarai Kulyuta" near the Furuschon dome. It served as a recreational house on the shopping area for travelers and guests. Currently, there is a blacksmith's museum on the site of the caravan-sarai, where skillful smiths forge various

Sakkizinchi kun

 December 07.2022 Adolat Aliyeva Today was our 8th practice lesson and we went to BOLO HOVUZ MOSQUE. Bolo-Hovuz - machiti was built in 1712 based on the decision of the wife of the Bukhara government. According to other interpretations, Amir Shahmurad (1785-1800) built this mosque for public worship in order to be close to the people. The most beautiful mosque in Bukhara was completed despite the cultural and economic crisis in the Bukhara Emirate at that time. The mosque is rectangular shaped. The prayer room during the winter time is a room with four columns and several entrances. The 12-meter-high iwan, comprising a 20-pillared hall measuring 42 x 10 meters, and bordered by bulged roofs sustained with twenty wood columns, serves as a summer prayer room attached to the three sides of the winter hall. The wooden columns rest on concrete foundation.[2] The interior of the mosque is typical 18th-century Central Asian style. Thin columns made of painted wood were added to the frontal par

Yettinchi kun

 7th day December 06.2022 Hi everyone. Today was our seventh practice day😁. The weather was quite good than other days. Today we decided to go to the Dungeon which is located at the back of the Ark. We met at 11 behind the Ark. The Lab-i Hauz survived because it is the centerpiece of a magnificent architectural ensemble, created during the 16th and 17th centuries, which has not been significantly changed since. The Lab-i Hauz ensemble, surrounding the pool on three sides, consists of the Kukeldash Madrasah (1568–1569, the largest madrasa in the city), on the north side of the pool, and two religious edifices built by Nadir Divan-Beghi. Although very impressive from the outside the inside is definitely worth visiting if only to see the infamous "Bug Pit" dungeon where the two British "Great Game" spies (Captain Connolly and Colonel Stoddart) were held for 3 years by Nasrullah the brutal Emir of Bokhara. Both were subsequently beheaded in the square in front of the A

Oltinchi kun

 Day 6 Adolat Aliyeva  Ark Castle  Hi everybody✋. Today is first day of second week practice. Let's start👇. Today is very cold❄️ and we were in Ark castle today. The Ark of Bukhara is a massive fortress located in the city of Bukhara, Uzbekistan, that was initially built and occupied around the 5th century AD. In addition to being a military structure, the Ark encompassed what was essentially a town that, during much of the fortress's history, was inhabited by the various royal courts that held sway over the region surrounding Bukhara. The Ark was used as a fortress until it fell to Russia in 1920. Currently, the Ark is a tourist attraction and houses museums covering its history. The museums and other restored areas include an archaeological museum, the throne room, the reception and coronation court, a local history museum, and the court mosque.

Beshinchi kun

 Day 5 Adolat Aliyeva  Toqi Sarrafon complex  Hello everyone🤚. Today is the 5th day of our practice day and we went to another historical place.  Let's start 👇 Today for our intership we visited Toqi Sarfaron. Then l and some of my friends introduced all students with many interesting information about Toqi Sarfaron. The medieval Bukhara was a great trading city, welcoming merchants from all parts of Central Asia, from Iran and India, from Russia and China. The trading status of Bukhara was reflected in the planning and development of the city. Large streets in the centre served as bazaars, each selling a particular type of product. Complex, multiply ventilated domed floors were built for their improvement in the squares and crossroads of the streets, known as “stream” – arches, vaults. The Toki-Sarrafon is one of Bukhara’s four remained bazaars. This trading dome was used mostly for money exchange during the era of the Silk Road. Indian shop owners frequently exchanged money ins

Tortinchi kun

 Day 4  Today was our fourth practice day. We decided to met 12 in Lyabi Hovuz ansable previos day. Today we met at 11:30. Our teacher Sabina Sharipova came at 12:00. Then we went to the Blacksmith workshop. The weather was cold😨. We were cold at first a lot❄️🥶. And then we adopt the weather. The Lab-i Hauz survived because it is the centerpiece of a magnificent architectural ensemble, created during the 16th and 17th centuries, which has not been significantly changed since. The Lab-i Hauz ensemble, surrounding the pool on three sides, consists of the Kukeldash Madrasah (1568–1569, the largest madrasa in the city), on the north side of the pool, and two religious edifices built by Nadir Divan-Beghi: a khanqah (1620; Uzbek: xonaqah, meaning a lodging house for itinerant Sufis) and a madrasa (1622), which stand on the west and east sides of the pool respectively. The small Qāzī-e Kalān Nasreddīn madrasa (now demolished) was formerly located beside the Kukeldash madrasah. Soon the firs

Uchunchi kun

OUR 3RD PRACTICAL LESSON IS ART MISEUM. The history of the building. The buliding was constructed in 1912 by the local masters Hoji Abdurahim Hayatov and Abdugafur Karaulbegi under the guidance of the Russian engineers Margulis and Sakovich. The first floor of the building housed Savva Morozov's shop. The painting that caught my attention the most in the museum is '' Autumn Still Life '' . This picture was skillfully painted by Bakayev in 1986, the picture is very beautiful and beautifully drawn. Especially the combination of colors is amazing.

Second day

 The second day of our practice. To begin with Assalomu Aleykum everyone. Today is the second day of our practice. The weather is cold and rainy and for this reason we started our day with hot coffe. Today our destination is Maggoki Attoriy which is the most famous place in Uzbekistan but also in Central Asia. None of the ancient monuments of the city hides so many mysteries for archaeologists and historians as this one. Before the Arab conquest, there was a bazaar where they traded idols, medicinal potions and attoron spices; there was also a temple of the Moon (Moh). A mosque was later built on the site of this temple. The first part of the name of the mosque "Magok" means "pit", because even then it was half hidden by rapidly growing cultural layers. During excavations in the 1940s led by scientist V. Shishkin, it was discovered that the first mosque was erected on this site in the 9th century. The mosque had four pillars and was decorated with carved stock and p
 All of us put on the thick clothes. However we adopt the cold weather. Then our techer Sabina Sharipova thought us to make a blog Google for we write about every practice day. Today was our first practice day. Our teacher told us to met at half past nine behind the Labi havuz unsamble. Unfortunatly, i late little but l keep up with our group. The weather was so cold. All of us put on the thick clothes. However we adopt the cold weather. Then our techer Sabina Sharipova thought us to make a blog Google for we write about every practice day. Get a lot of information here. For example , one of these is the information about Sadriddin Ayniy. He is also the author of many work. We were also in this creator's house. This is the picture from his house. And here we also learned about national sources and famous people from Bukhara. Labi Hovuz is the largest esemble built in Bukhara in the XVII century. Labi Hovuz is the central organizational element.